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6 May 2017 - 12:52, by , in Lab Happenings, 2 comments
It’s that time of year again…today Maren Ulrich graduated with her bachelor’s in Communicative Disorders! We’re so proud of all she’s accomplished this last year. We’ll miss her smiley face in the lab.
4 May 2017 - 9:59, by , in Lab Happenings, No comments
This semester these researchers ran over 300 experimental sessions with people of all ages and hearing levels. They presented their research at conferences as close as USU’s library and as far as Arizona. Some of them are graduating and some of them are just beginning their path into the study of communication sciences and disorders. All...
22 April 2017 - 11:28, by , in Lab Happenings, 1 comment
On Saturday, members of our lab joined the rest of the world and marched for science. We had a great time coming together with others across Logan, UT and advocating for knowledge.
27 March 2017 - 13:30, by , in Lab Happenings, No comments
After surviving an intense month of data collecting, poster creating, and conferencing, the SLP lab deserved the best…ice cream cake for everyone!
4 May 2016 - 13:19, by , in Lab Happenings, No comments
Today is an amazing day. Not only is it “Star Wars Day”, it’s time to celebrate the end of the semester and the end of the Spoken Language Processing Lab’s first year in Logan, UT. What an incredible year it’s been! The lab is up and thriving. We’re collecting data from children and adults. We’ve...