Tag: qualitative
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27 August 2018 - 13:31, by , in Lab Happenings, 1 comment
Today Caitlyn Ritter successfully defensed her Clinical Research Project entitled, “Exploring the Identities of Adults Who Choose Not to Use Their Hearing Aids”. Caitlyn has worked long and hard on this project. We are very proud of her latest achievement and look forward to even bigger ones around the corner!
20 December 2017 - 20:39, by , in Lab Happenings, 1 comment
Last year we began a collaboration with the Family Communication and Relationships lab and began gathering stories from people affected by hearing loss to explore how hearing loss influences family members’ wellbeing, self-esteem, and overall self-concept. Today we found out that our qualitative study using interpretive narrative was accepted for publication with the Journal of Deaf Studies...